Our Story
We began eight years ago when Claudiu born in Romania was missing the tastes of home-Romania after he moved here to the United States. Claudiu could not find a traditional smoked garlic sausage and bacon just like he grew up with in Romania. He has always had a passion for cooking and smoking meats. Our friends tasted our smoked sausage, and said "This is is amazing, you should sell this stuff!”
This is how Romanian Sweet & Savory Corner’s journey began. As a little girl I would bake with my Bunica, and we would make delicious Romanian crescent cookies and sweet breads together. I loved to help her, and now I am passionate about bringing those sweet treats to all of you! We believe in preserving the Romanian culture and traditional tastes through delicious smoked meats, main dishes, breads, and desserts. We have a passion for delivering quality and homemade products without any preservatives.
We guarantee that one taste of our Romanian dishes and breads, you will feel like you are right at home or “ca la mama acasa”.
We thank and appreciate all who encouraged us and continue to enjoy our products!